Sunday, August 12, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Suck it up, buttercup
I left the WOD today dirty, and soaked.

It was deload week for cycle 2, back squat followed up with a 10 min AMRAP of 100m run and 7 burpees.

I made it through 6 full rounds and probably should have done more. I was bitter though because we weren't allowed to use mats and we did the whole thing outside. After it had rained cats and dogs roughly an hour prior.

The photo of the scene is deceiving because from burpee number 1 I was soaked to the core. Lovely. Oh, and concrete isn't forgiving. Knuckles and knees, oh boy. And to top it all off my last set of burpees I went down on a rock into my left knee that almost had me in tears.
Ah well, no one said Crossfit was glamorous or easy. Of course I will be back for more.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

It was deload week for cycle 2, back squat followed up with a 10 min AMRAP of 100m run and 7 burpees.

I made it through 6 full rounds and probably should have done more. I was bitter though because we weren't allowed to use mats and we did the whole thing outside. After it had rained cats and dogs roughly an hour prior.

The photo of the scene is deceiving because from burpee number 1 I was soaked to the core. Lovely. Oh, and concrete isn't forgiving. Knuckles and knees, oh boy. And to top it all off my last set of burpees I went down on a rock into my left knee that almost had me in tears.
Ah well, no one said Crossfit was glamorous or easy. Of course I will be back for more.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Sand and Jello
WOOT! Caught up!
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 3
Back Squat - New training max = 98
5 @ 75 - 73
3 @ 85 - 83
1+ @ 95 - 73
* 5 banded pullups after each set
I hit 5 at 95%, I was tired and not feeling incredibly strong but I picked 5 and hit them and was proud.
I used 1 purple and 1 red band for the pullups. They are getting better, for sure.
We followed up with a 12min AMRAP that made me wish we were going Death by Burpees instead.
12min AMRAP can't be that bad right? think again. It was 100m of walking lunges and 200m run.
I got through 1.5 reps and then is because after my first full repeat, I was gasping for breath and couldn't get my legs to move. But I did complete another 100m of lunges.
This week was a really heavy leg week, At least my butt should be looking nicer :)
I was going to try and hit the 9am WOD this morning but I woke up to my butt and legs feeling like a combination of jello and wet sand. Best to rest. I need to run some errands anyway and have a baby shower to get to this afternoon.
I need to do a Crossfit Eval soon. It's been about 10 weeks now and I should take a look back and see how things have gotten better/worse/easier/harder.
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 3
Back Squat - New training max = 98
5 @ 75 - 73
3 @ 85 - 83
1+ @ 95 - 73
* 5 banded pullups after each set
I hit 5 at 95%, I was tired and not feeling incredibly strong but I picked 5 and hit them and was proud.
I used 1 purple and 1 red band for the pullups. They are getting better, for sure.
We followed up with a 12min AMRAP that made me wish we were going Death by Burpees instead.
12min AMRAP can't be that bad right? think again. It was 100m of walking lunges and 200m run.
I got through 1.5 reps and then is because after my first full repeat, I was gasping for breath and couldn't get my legs to move. But I did complete another 100m of lunges.
This week was a really heavy leg week, At least my butt should be looking nicer :)
I was going to try and hit the 9am WOD this morning but I woke up to my butt and legs feeling like a combination of jello and wet sand. Best to rest. I need to run some errands anyway and have a baby shower to get to this afternoon.
I need to do a Crossfit Eval soon. It's been about 10 weeks now and I should take a look back and see how things have gotten better/worse/easier/harder.
Upside Down
Wed. 5/30
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 2
CG Bench - New training max = 61
3 @ 70 - 43
3 @ 80 - 48
3+ @ 90 - 54
* 10-20 GHDSU after each set
I rocked out 12 reps at 90%. Strength SCORE! but instead of the GHDSU which hurt my back, I chose to do 20 abmat situps after each set instead.
Tabata Handstand Hold
Tabata Squat Hold
Back to Back Tabata wasn't so fun but holy crap, I did handstands! I remember being in high school and getting yelled at for doing them on the big wall in my mom's room because I would leave little sock and feet prints on the wall and now I was allowed to do them! The hardest part for me (other than holding for 20 seconds each time) was kicking hard enough to overextend and get to the wall. I kept trying to balance, which I did pretty well actually. We went straight into the squat holds where I cried for mercy and begged for it to be over. Not really, but that is what I wanted to do. My butt was so sore the next day!
Oh and forgot to mention after the WOD we were to do with 800m or 1600m Cool down run.
I chose 800m.
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 2
CG Bench - New training max = 61
3 @ 70 - 43
3 @ 80 - 48
3+ @ 90 - 54
* 10-20 GHDSU after each set
I rocked out 12 reps at 90%. Strength SCORE! but instead of the GHDSU which hurt my back, I chose to do 20 abmat situps after each set instead.
Tabata Handstand Hold
Tabata Squat Hold
Back to Back Tabata wasn't so fun but holy crap, I did handstands! I remember being in high school and getting yelled at for doing them on the big wall in my mom's room because I would leave little sock and feet prints on the wall and now I was allowed to do them! The hardest part for me (other than holding for 20 seconds each time) was kicking hard enough to overextend and get to the wall. I kept trying to balance, which I did pretty well actually. We went straight into the squat holds where I cried for mercy and begged for it to be over. Not really, but that is what I wanted to do. My butt was so sore the next day!
Oh and forgot to mention after the WOD we were to do with 800m or 1600m Cool down run.
I chose 800m.
Ropes and boxes

Deadlift - New training max = 135
3 @ 70 - 94
3 @ 80 - 108
3+ @ 90 - 121
2 rope climbs after each set
I didn't write it down but I think I did 8 at 90%. I also did modified rope climbs (never attempted them before) and used a tall box and pulled from ground to standing. Did quite well on those actually. Better than I would have thought.
Followed by EMOTM - 10 Min
It was mostly mental for me since the last WOD that had box jumps in it sent me to the dr. with my continuous knee pain. I had decided that I would use the 20'' box and do stepups instead. My trainer was fine with it and I was fine with it. Until I stood behind the box and there was no way I couldn't NOT jump! Since the WOD allowed you to pick a number and that was what you would do EMOTM, I chose 4. 2 jumps and 2 step ups. I did it and felt good and oddly enough, the knee was good too!
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Bad Blogger Catch Up- 5/28:6/2
Slowly but surely catching up! Only 2 weeks left!
Mon. 5/28
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Close Grip Bench - New training max = 61
5 @ 65 - 39
5 @ 75 - 45
5+ @ 85 - 51
I pushed out 11! Super proud of that too because you are working such a small muscle group that high numbers are a very good sign that you are getting a lot stronger! Yeah Buddy!
We followed up with 3 rounds for Volume:
10 ring dips
25 hollow rocks
400m Run
I tried using a band for the ring dips and that worked for about 5 seconds before I pulled my knees out of it and the band snapped back and cruched me across the chest. I swear I almost cut them off. At that point I had to settle on doing them with my feet on the ground, knees bent. I am now terrified of banded ring dips. The hollow rocks weren't bad (lay on your back and lift your head/shoulders off the ground and at the same time your legs about 6 inches off the ground, you look kind of like a boat. Then you rock back and forth. I also scaled the running to 300m because of the ole knee giving me trouble.
Wed. 5/30
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 2
Back Squat - New training max = 98
3 @ 70 - 68
3 @ 80 - 78
3+ @ 90 - 88
I stuck with it and hit 5 at 90%.
Volume WOD - EMOTM - 10 Minutes
Wall Walks
I did a scaled version using a box. I think I'll be able to do them as RXed soon.
Fri. 6/1
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 2
Strict Press - New training max = 48
3 @ 70 - 33
3 @ 80 - 38
3+ @ 90 - 43
Same thing, hit 5. Still don't like strict press. Would much rather push press.
We then wrapped up with the Burpee Ladder, aka Death by Burpees, aka I never want to do this again
Anytime a workout is "Death By ... " it works like this:
Every minute you do the exercise, every following minute you add one more, continue until you can't complete the number in that minute.
Min 1- 1 burpee
Min 2- 2 burpees
Min 3- 3 burpees
and so on.
the quicker you do then, the more time you have to rest before that next minute comes up. I managed to complete the 9th round but it took the entire minute so going into the 10th round I knew I wouldn't finish. I did get through 6/10 so I was out at that point. (total of 51 burpees) I think I went out 4th. We did have one rock star GIRL who beat all the boys and got to the 18th round!!!
Sat. 6/2
Made it to a 4th WOD this week.
"Nicole" - a Benchmark WOD
20 min AMRAP
Max Pullups
400m Run
Your score is the total pullups you do. Mine was 23.
I used the skinny green, skinny purple, and small red bands for pullups and can't remember if I did 300m or 400m run.
1 week left and I'm all caught up!
Mon. 5/28
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Close Grip Bench - New training max = 61
5 @ 65 - 39
5 @ 75 - 45
5+ @ 85 - 51
I pushed out 11! Super proud of that too because you are working such a small muscle group that high numbers are a very good sign that you are getting a lot stronger! Yeah Buddy!
We followed up with 3 rounds for Volume:
10 ring dips
25 hollow rocks
400m Run
I tried using a band for the ring dips and that worked for about 5 seconds before I pulled my knees out of it and the band snapped back and cruched me across the chest. I swear I almost cut them off. At that point I had to settle on doing them with my feet on the ground, knees bent. I am now terrified of banded ring dips. The hollow rocks weren't bad (lay on your back and lift your head/shoulders off the ground and at the same time your legs about 6 inches off the ground, you look kind of like a boat. Then you rock back and forth. I also scaled the running to 300m because of the ole knee giving me trouble.
Wed. 5/30
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 2
Back Squat - New training max = 98
3 @ 70 - 68
3 @ 80 - 78
3+ @ 90 - 88
I stuck with it and hit 5 at 90%.
Volume WOD - EMOTM - 10 Minutes
Wall Walks
I did a scaled version using a box. I think I'll be able to do them as RXed soon.
Fri. 6/1
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 2
Strict Press - New training max = 48
3 @ 70 - 33
3 @ 80 - 38
3+ @ 90 - 43
Same thing, hit 5. Still don't like strict press. Would much rather push press.
We then wrapped up with the Burpee Ladder, aka Death by Burpees, aka I never want to do this again
Anytime a workout is "Death By ... " it works like this:
Every minute you do the exercise, every following minute you add one more, continue until you can't complete the number in that minute.
Min 1- 1 burpee
Min 2- 2 burpees
Min 3- 3 burpees
and so on.
the quicker you do then, the more time you have to rest before that next minute comes up. I managed to complete the 9th round but it took the entire minute so going into the 10th round I knew I wouldn't finish. I did get through 6/10 so I was out at that point. (total of 51 burpees) I think I went out 4th. We did have one rock star GIRL who beat all the boys and got to the 18th round!!!
Sat. 6/2
Made it to a 4th WOD this week.
"Nicole" - a Benchmark WOD
20 min AMRAP
Max Pullups
400m Run
Your score is the total pullups you do. Mine was 23.
I used the skinny green, skinny purple, and small red bands for pullups and can't remember if I did 300m or 400m run.
1 week left and I'm all caught up!
Bad Blogger Catch Up - 5/21:5/25
Mon. 5/21
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Back Squat - New training max = 98
5 @ 65 - 63
5 @ 75 - 73
5+ @ 85 - 83
I did 5 because the knee was aching and didn't want to push it.
EMOTM - 10 Minutes, 2 Hang Squat Clean
I used 45 lbs and did every single one of them. I possibly could have gone heavier and got more sweaty, but I really was trying to focus on form and squat to the box each time. Achieved!
Wed. 5/23
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Strict Press- New training max = 48
5 @ 65 - 33
5 @ 75 - 36
5+ @ 85 - 41
Again only did 5 but I think it was because I wasn't feeling strong and likely form was starting to compromise. If you start to push or jerk you aren't doing it right. It's just a press, that's it. Nothing else. oh and did I mention I really hate it? UGH.
Followed up with a Volume WOD
3 x 15 GHDSU * 50 Double Unders after each set
I'd never done GHDSU before (that is Glutes/Ham Developer Situps) and they made me sore the next day! Not too much a fan of them though because there is no support in your back and they made my head hurt from dizziness. Then of course I did singles because I can't do DU's yet. OH WAIT... I DID ONE!!! Only one but holy hell!!! So excited!
Fri. 5/25
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Deadlift - New training max = 135
5 @ 65 - 88
5 @ 75 - 101
5+ @ 85 - 114
I hit 10 at 114 and was super proud. I'm loving the progress that I can feel and this is one that I feel good about. We won't test out true 1RM max for a while but I can't wait to smash my previous 143.
Then we followed up with 20 minutes of establishing our 1RM for Turkish Getups. Your max has to be the same for both arms. I practiced a while with just a PVC to understand the movement and then used a wooden dowel and then a pipe. Someone else was using the training bar so I got that after she was done and made it up to 22lbs on each arm before time was up. I could have probably gone a little bit heavier but I was tired and time was up so yeah. And Brandon decided he didn't need barbells or kettlebells....
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Back Squat - New training max = 98
5 @ 65 - 63
5 @ 75 - 73
5+ @ 85 - 83
I did 5 because the knee was aching and didn't want to push it.
EMOTM - 10 Minutes, 2 Hang Squat Clean
Wed. 5/23
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Strict Press- New training max = 48
5 @ 65 - 33
5 @ 75 - 36
5+ @ 85 - 41
Again only did 5 but I think it was because I wasn't feeling strong and likely form was starting to compromise. If you start to push or jerk you aren't doing it right. It's just a press, that's it. Nothing else. oh and did I mention I really hate it? UGH.
Followed up with a Volume WOD
3 x 15 GHDSU * 50 Double Unders after each set
Fri. 5/25
Wendler Cycle 2! Week 1
Deadlift - New training max = 135
5 @ 65 - 88
5 @ 75 - 101
5+ @ 85 - 114
I hit 10 at 114 and was super proud. I'm loving the progress that I can feel and this is one that I feel good about. We won't test out true 1RM max for a while but I can't wait to smash my previous 143.
Then we followed up with 20 minutes of establishing our 1RM for Turkish Getups. Your max has to be the same for both arms. I practiced a while with just a PVC to understand the movement and then used a wooden dowel and then a pipe. Someone else was using the training bar so I got that after she was done and made it up to 22lbs on each arm before time was up. I could have probably gone a little bit heavier but I was tired and time was up so yeah. And Brandon decided he didn't need barbells or kettlebells....
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